Brief story of “The French – Panamanian School - Louis Pasteur”


Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)


Chemist and biologist, born in France, author of investigations about fermentations, contagious diseases, prophylaxis of anger and creator of microbiology.  His discoveries initiated the age of vaccines and renewed the medicine.


Origin and Characteristics:




It arises with the initiative of a group of Panamanian and French people, who were interested in the diffusion of the language and French culture.I was born also, from a scientific, technical and cultural agreement, signed between both countries in February 1967.


This educational institution characterizes itself for an education that includes three languages: Spanish (mother language of the most of students), French and English.   Mentioned languages are considered as fundamental elements for the formation of our students, taking in consideration local needs and international requirements.   These three languages are among most spoken in the world.

Our school takes proudly Louis Pasteur’s name, as an honoring to this out-standing French Scientist of the 19tn century, who made valuable contributions in the field of science and universal knowledge.

Consequently, scientific disciplines occupy a relevant place in the plans of study of the school because a modern and updated formation needs these matters to prepare students for the challenges of the new millennium.

We emphasize Computer Science, because good use and knowledge about it is an indispensable requirement in the current context of world’s communication, information and investigation.


Our school seeks to inculcate into students the universal values of humanism, such as the respect to the dignity of human being and the sense of solidarity between humans.

We try to reinforce the appreciation of culture and national traditions, as well as those of other latitudes in the world.

the Directorate